It rained today.
I didn't want to go to school.
But, I had to la, for the sake of my own studies.
Ohya, before school, I went jogging with Shenghao.
Someone was really horny can.
Nono, not someone.
SomeTWO. ._____."
Okay, so, on my way to school, I was walking through this bunch of smokers.
And, I almost ran out of breath.
Ya, I don't want to smoke in the future.
And thank god, for making me not being able to.
Then, in school, Mdm Jo said my secondary 3 basics weren't there.
So, I have to go back on Tuesday.
But, at least theres Sherman and Jeremy with me this time.
I'm not alone (;
And, I shouldn't chiong TYS without reading the notes.
Aiya, okay, so I'm back at home to study. (As if, I'm playing computer. -.-)
Ohyes, I've joined Viwawa.
And, I've re-joined Maple.
I'm just playing for fun.
I'm not freaking it like some people.
And, I'm going out tommorow.
I can buy my bag and +++ there.
OMG, I can't believe there are such thick skinned people on earth.
I will be a proper person.
Man, I think I'm very improper ._.
Yes, believe it.
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