Sunday, August 03, 2008

3rd post.
Okay, I shall stay calm and plan what to study, and not memorise the whole textbook.
Okay, perhaps I've already memorised all the 'required' stated by the TYS.
I think its useless.

There should be 4 compulsory questions tomorrow, and 2 questions where you'll have to choose 1.
The topics that may be coming out for the 4 compulsory are...
Partnership. (If theres partnership, there wouldn't be Amalgamation)
Sole trader. (TYS says that there'll confirmed be a question of this in 'O' level, but I don't know about prelims.)
Incomplete records.
PERHAPS Accruals and Prepayments.
WALAO, all the long long ones.
I'm afraid I can't finish in time.

The 2 chooseable questions should test on stuff like...
Provision for doubtful debts/bad debts/doubtful debts.
Interpretation and Analysis.

I think there would be a question asking the difference between a control A/c and a ledger.
Because I ask Mr wong whether they would ask such a question, and he didn't reply.
I hope there wouldn't be stupid things like goods destroyed in fire and claim insurance and blah.
CONFIRM there'll be a question on concepts, must memorise.
Possible concepts...
Accounting Entity.
Going concern.
Accounting period.
The rest aren't as important.

Actually, I see no purpose of writing this.
What more it being my 3rd post for the day.
I feel like staying till like 3am today to mug till I'm a walking POA textbook.


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