Friday, August 08, 2008

How nice.

The gastric pain is killing me -.-

Anyway, happy olympic day.
08.08.08. O_O.

I shall begin with a rant.
I know its bad to start with a rant.
Too bad, I find this matter very ... .____.

If you can't do better at stuff, you shouldn't complain so much.
You think you do very well?
Let me tell you this, your standard is BULLSHIT.
You try being the parade commander or the emcee?
I BET you'll be the laughing stock.
Shut YOUR crap and get over it.
Don't get too arrogant and cocky.
You'll find out you're the most insignificant asshole on this planet.
You don't like to be here?
Then why are you still here?
Stop being so contradicting and a bloody hypocrite and acting as though you're really important here.
Because you're not.
You're the most undeserving of your self given INSTRUCTOR.
Mind my language, thank you.
P.S. I'm not revolver-ing anyone in SJAB, if you think you're in the CCA.

Lets get over it.
Today's parade, bravobravo.
The concert was great too.
Especially with crazy people singing around you.

There was supposed to be a primary school gathering.
I wanted to ask Weihao and Yekai along.
But then, Yekai didn't want.
Then the details were not confirmed.
So, I guess its cancelled?
Aiya, next time, I'll organise a Secondary school gathering.



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