Saturday, November 29, 2008

Leaving for Malaysia tomorrow.
And if I didn't get my facts wrong, Zhixian's going to Bangkok tomorrow as well.

Went to Bugis Street today.
Bought quite some stuff.
Bought a polo tee, bermudas and a hoodie.

I played Audition this morning.
I came into this room.
Girl : Hey, I cut myself today, later I show you the picture.
Guy : Eh, I just slashed myself not long ago, now so smooth already.
Girl : Show me leh !
What is this world coming to.
They are slashing themselves just for show. -.-
Do they need attention so much?

On the MRT today, I saw this lovey dovey couple.
They were kissing.
They were touching.
Go home and do la .____.''
Whats there to show off?
May you break up sooner or later -.-

At bugis, there was this hawker with serious attitude problem.
I bargain with her, then she say cannot reduce.
She then took the shirt from me and hung it back on the display thing.

Then this guy was giving out leaflets, promoting his cream or something.
I didn't take it.
Then he said," You need to use it ".
I know myself best and I don't need that bloody product.

Okay, shall stop the flaming.
Ohyea, the xDANTE blog is finally up !
It kinda sucks now, will modify it sooner or later.
Visit !

Okay, chow.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Amazing Race Ep. 9

Today's destination, Moscow, Russia :D
Ken and Tina breezed through.
Toni and Dallas swooped through.
Nick and Starr got super lousy cab drivers.
Andrew and Dan are mistake makers.

Today's positions.
1. Toni and Dallas.
2. Ken and Tina.
3. Nick and Starr.
4. Andrew and Dan
Today was a non-elimination leg.
So, Andrew and Dan didn't get eliminated for coming in last.
Next episode, one team is going to lose all their passports and cash.
But I can't watch it.
I'm going to Malaysia on the 30th November. );

Can a kind soul record it for me?
Or make a report of it on your blog.
;x Thank you.

Didn't do much last week.
Set up my new FAM.
xDANTE huat ah !
I hope we become a top notch FAM. :D

I've had this headache for the last 3 days.

I left it close to my heart.


Monday, November 17, 2008

The Amazing Race Ep.8 & Outing

I'm going to barf.
I'm dying.

When we disperse, I feel all alone again.
Thoughts come back into my mind.
Thoughts of remorse.
This feeling sucks.

This slart was bumping through the crowd today.
She bumped into me and -TSKED- me.

When you promise me something, don't break it.

I know I'm not worth anything to you now.
I don't know how to reconciliate.
I still miss you.

Nick and Starr got the fast forward today, and came in first, 4th time in a row.
Amazingly, Dan and Andrew beat Terrence and Sarah to the pitstop.
Terrence and Sarah got eliminated.
They attempted the fast forward (eating goats ass) when Terrence is vegetarian.
They wasted a lot of time, thats why they got eliminated.
Ken and Tina seriously screwed up this leg.
Toni and Dallas are seriously smart people who hardly screw up, they're just a bit slow.
Nick and Starr are going to screw up the next leg.
I hope they make it to final 3.
1. Nick and Starr.
2. Toni and Dallas.
3. Ken and Tina.
4. Dan and Andrew.
5. Terrence and Sarah. (Byebye)

SJAB outing today was great.
Went to escape.
Going to escape again on Wednesday.
Going with Changhong, DADDY and DADDY's mistress.
Did lots of stupid stuff today.
Go to Patricia's blog to see the photos. X_X.


Monday, November 10, 2008

The Amazing Race Ep.7 & SJABSEC4 Outing.

Tomorrow's the last paper.
Shall go study after this.

Chances are slim...

Just finished watching The Amazing Race.
You can skip this paragraph if you don't watch the show, or don't plan to.
Ken and Tina came back into the race, 4th placing.
Nick and Starr came in 1st again today, yay.
And Kelly and Christy got eliminated, hahaha.
1. Nick and Starr.
2. Toni and Dallas.
3. Terrence and Sarah.
4. Ken and Tina.
5. Dan and Andrew.
6.Kelly and Christy.
Next week's episode's another Fast Forward.
I guess the only 3 teams that may get it are Toni and Dallas, Nick and Starr and Terrence and Sarah.
Hmm, ya.
Okay, I know this is uninteresting.

There might be an outing for ALL SJAB sec4s, so please make yourself free on the 22nd November ? X_X.


Monday, November 03, 2008

The Amazing Race Ep.6

Today's leg was in India, New Delhi.
It was a non-elimination leg, LUCKILY.
Cause Ken and Tina came in last.
They fought and fought all the way.
And got this super NOOB cab driver.
He don't know where the place is but he still say he know.

And Nick and Starr came in first again.
I think they excel in countries which are relatively poor?
Brazil, Cambodia, India.
Aiya, they pro can liao.

The frat boys can't iron.

Today's positions were as follows.
1. Nick and Starr.
2. Kelly and Christy (YUCK)
3. Toni and Dallas.
4. Terrence and Sarah.
5. Andrew and Dan.
6. Ken and Tina.
Kelly and Christy were just plain lucky.

Next episode's going to be VERY nice.

And I audition-ed just now.
'O' levels are kinda over, so I kinda relaxed.

Here are the 'O' level subjects do-able rating.
E maths paper 1, kinda a breeze through, do-able rating 8/10.
A maths paper 2, kinda sucked, mind went blank, do-able rating 2/10. D;
Combined Humanities, History, easier than I expected, do-able rating 6/10.
Physics, was WAY easier than I expected, do-able rating 9/10.
E maths paper 2, SUCKED LA ! Do-able rating 5/10.
POA paper 2, was okay, harder than expected, do-able rating 8/10.
POA paper 2, wasn't really okay, do-able rating 7/10.
Combined Humanities, Social Studies, SO HARD, do-able rating 4/10.

I guess my L1R4 will turn out <15,>
Heres what I expect.
English B4.
Science A2.
E maths B3.
A maths B3.
Chinese C5.
Humanities C5.
Hmmm, not that good la.

They say Science MCQ is going to be VERY tough.
So, I have to work hard.
I don't know if I should give up on chinese or not...
And IMY.

I guess I'm going to school tomorrow to revise chinese.